

Create a new website

Install Hugo

 # install on Mac
 brew install hugo
 # verify
 hugo version

Create a site

 hugo new site site_name

Add a theme

Find a favorate theme and download it from Github

 cd site_name
 git init
 git submodule add themes/theme_name

Then, remember to update configuration file(config.toml). In this tutorial I choose the LoveIt theme

 theme = 'theme_name'

Add Content

Simply using hugo new, we can add content easily. For example, we add a new markdown file named under a directory named posts.

 hugo new posts/

Start the Hugo Server

We can Start the server with draft enabled:

 hugo server -D

And navigate the site at http://localhost:1313/

Structure of files


Archetypes are templates used when creating new content. It contains the preconfigured front matter and possibly also a content disposition for your website’s content types.


Contents of the website will go in this directory.


Static datas. Such like Json files(for database-like data storage).


Layout of the website.


Static elements in this directory, such as images, pdf files and so on.


Themes of the website. Hugo doesn’t contain a theme by default. Generally, we just download the prebuilt themes from the official website.


Settings of the website.


As we mentioned above, all of the content of the websites will go to the ‘content’ file. Hugo assumes that the same structure that works to organize your source content is used to organize the rendered site.

For most currently used page, we need a header menu and a ‘post’ library which is a warehouse of our blogs. We can simply create a ‘posts’ directory for all the blogs and several md files for other pages. After that, please remember to config the toml file.

 url = 'posts'


As a multilingual human, I choose to implement my page in both English and Chinese. Hugo helps me with that demand. I want to seperate my Chinese blogs and English blogs so I just create 2 directories in ‘content’ named ’en-us’ and ‘zh-cn’. Under each directory, just create the same menu structure as mentioned before.

directory path

Also, don’t forget to config toml file

 contentDir = "content/en-us"
 contentDir = "content/zh-cn"


Since some blogs need pictures to illustrate concepts well, I need to fit images to my blogs.


The most traditional way to implement it.


The source pictures should be stored in static and we can organize the pictures with directories. For example


Also, the picture name must not have space, you should fill them with _ or other characters.


figure is an extension of the image syntax in markdown, in HUGO, it’s a shortcode.

{{< figure src="" title="" >}}

title will be shown below the picture as a content.

Extende Syntax

Mathematical formula

The Loveit theme supports mathematical formula based on $\KaTeX$.

Please be sure to set the property enable = true under [] in site configuration and the property math: true of the article front matter to enable the automatic rendering of mathematical formulas.

Here is a reference of $\TeX$ functions.

For detailed tutorial for the math formula, please refer this section of the official tutorial.